Tuesday 17 February 2015

#WW2 Wartime Shortages In Britain Pt2

Plant a victory garden found here:http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608049532852309985&pid=1.7

Continuing from my last post, many things were in short supply during the Second World War including clothing. Britain, being an island, was dependent on imports to feed its population. Shipping space was prioritised for  arms and ammunition, oil, and other equipment that Britain needed to keep fighting Germany and the Axis. As the war went on it got worse due to Britain being alone after June 1940, when France surrendered. Bananas, oranges and other imported foodstuffs soon disappeared from shop shelves. Eggs became scarce, powdered eggs became common in people's kitchens. Meat was also scarce, the government controlling how farmers farmed their land as grain was needed for bread making not for feeding as many animals as before the war. Spam was imported from the United States, and people often started a pig co-operative, feeding food waste to a pig and sharing it when it was slaughtered.
Dig For Victory found here:http://rlv.zcache.com/dig_for_victory_food_rationing_wartime_propaganda_postcard-rd70bed5e82af40318f418bb318bcb1d6_vgbaq_8byvr_324.jpg
The Dig For Victory Campaign was popular, people were encouraged to grow as much food in their garden as they could.

Petrol was also rationed, people were encouraged to think about rail and bus journeys, as servicemen had to have priority.
Is Your Journey Really Necessary found here:http://www.bookdrum.com/images/books/31564_o.jpg
These sacrifices helped the Allies win the war and were necessary so the country didn't starve.

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