Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Carrying Fire: Some grainy 8 mm film narrated by the man who shot...
Carrying Fire: Some grainy 8 mm film narrated by the man who shot...: Some grainy 8 mm film narrated by the man who shot it during 1944-45. Good views of an 8th AF base. planes in flight, and the English coun...
Friday, 7 August 2015
Battle of Britain 1940: The True Start Date of the Battle of Britain? ...a...
Battle of Britain 1940: The True Start Date of the Battle of Britain? ...a...: The 8 August 1940 saw the first large scale sustained clashes between the RAF and the Luftwaffe and as such was initially considered to be ...
Sunday, 2 August 2015
Battle of Britain 1940: Stop the Traffic! We Want to Take Off!
Battle of Britain 1940: Stop the Traffic! We Want to Take Off!: During the early part of the Battle of Britain, entries in the Campaign Diaries frequent mention is made of RAF Catterick in 13 Group being...
Geoffery Wellum, One Of The Youngest #RAF Pilots In The Battle Of Britain #WW2
Geoffery Willam, RAF Pilot #WW2 |
Geoffery Wellum was 18 years old when he fought in the Battle of Britain. You can watch a really good BBC film on Vimeo here;https://vimeo.com/45585260 it's called First Light . It is based on Wellum's book of the same name, Wellum is one of the lucky few to survive the Battle of Britain, he went on to lead a flight of Spits in Malta in 1942, and is still alive today. As a taster here is the trailer from Youtube.